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WEEK 12 BIBLE LIVE QUIZ Ps. 37—39 and Deuteronomy 6:16—28:19
Ps. 37—39
1. Ps. 37 overall compares and contrasts what two groups of people? 37:9 example, the wicked and the righteous
2. According to Ps. 37, we are not to worry about wicked people nor envy them. Why? Because they are here today, gone tomorrow (v. 1-2), they will be destroyed (v. 9), and God will judge them (v. 13)
3. Ps. 37:4 says that God will give you the desires of your heart if you do what? “Take delight in the Lord”
4. According to Ps. 37:16, when is being poor better than being rich? When you are godly instead of evil
5. In Ps. 37:21, the wicked do not repay the money they borrow. How do the godly differ in their use of money? They are generous givers
6. So they will not slip from God’s path, the godly fill their hearts with what? 37:31, God’s laws
7. Ps. 38 is a “penitential” psalm. What is the subject of a penitential psalm? Sin (sorrow, confession, and forgiveness of sin)
8. In Ps. 38, how was David affected by his sin? V. 3 health broken
9. What did David do to experience God’s forgiveness and restoration? 38:18, 22, confessed his sin and trusted God for salvation
10. David starts Ps. 39 trying to be silent, but what truth about life welled up within him and caused him to speak out? The brevity of life
Deut. 6:16—28:19
1. According to Dt. 6:24, what was God’s motive for giving Israel all the laws and regulations? For their own well-being and survival (protect, provide, and guide)
2. Why did God choose Israel to be His special possession? 7:7-8, nothing in Israel, just chose to love them
3. In Dt. 11, what does Moses say will help the people to faithfully love, obey, and worship God? 11:18ff, Total commitment to God’s Word (write them everywhere, discuss them, teach them to your children, etc.)
4. What two things did Moses tell the people to pronounce from Mt. Gerizim and from Mt. Ebal after they entered the Promised land? 11:29, blessings and curses respectively
5. In order to preserve the purity of worship, what command did Moses give Israel as to where they were to offer their sacrifices to the Lord? 12:5,11,14, 18, only in the prescribed manner and in the prescribed places (where the tabernacle was placed, and later the temple in Jersalem—often disobeyed, especially in the northern tribes)
6. Dt. 13 speaks of a sin so terrible that the perpetrators should be executed and whole towns destroyed. What was the terrible and destructive sin that was so strongly condemned? Worshiping idols and false god, and luring others to do the same
7. In the Jewish dietary laws, ceremonially clean animals which could be eaten had both of what two characteristics? 14:6-7, split hooves and chews the cud
8. What two characteristics did marine animals have to have in order to be ceremonially clean? 14:9, had to have both fins and scales
9. In Dt. 15, the people are commanded to forgive all debts after a period of how many years? 15:1, Every 7 years
10. What was a Jewish bond slave? Dt. 15:16-17, one who willingly continued after 7 years to serve his master
11. The Biblical commands and principles about slavery can be applied to what relationship in our world today? Employer/employee relations
12. Which Jewish festival featured eating bread made without yeast for seven days? 16:3, Unleavened Bread
13. Which one-day Jewish festival required the eating of unleavened bread and roast lamb with no meat to be left over after the meal, and what event did it commemorate? 16:1, Passover
14. Which Jewish festival required the people to live in tents for seven days and recall God’s faithful protection and provision during the wilderness wanderings? 16:13, Shelters
15. Moses instructed that any eventual Israelite king must never buy horses from what country? 17:16, Egypt
16. Any eventual king of Israel must have a copy of what book and read it every day? 17:18-20, Law (Pentateuch)
17. Why were the Israelites to give offerings to the tribe of the Levites? 18:1, no inheritance, ministered to the people
18. According to Dt. 18:22, how could Israel recognize a false prophet? True prophet had 100% accuracy
19. What was a City of Refuge? 19:4, a place to go for protection while death is being investigated
20. What principle of justice is expressed by the saying, “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” (19:21)? The punishment should fit the crime
21. In Dt. 21, a whole town must offer a sacrifice for cleansing if what takes place near the community? 21:1, an unsolved murder (corporate responsibility for safety of people in them)
22. In Dt. 21, the Ammonites and the Moabites come under special condemnation for not assisting the Israelites when they came out of Egypt. From whom did these people groups descend? Lot (incest with daughters)
23. When harvesting crops of any kind, the Israelites were to leave some of the crop to be gleaned by whom? 24:19, foreigners (travelers), orphans, widows—the poor
24. If a person was sentenced to be flogged, what was the maximum number of lashes he could receive? 25:3, forty
25. Dt. 25:5 outlines the case of the “kinsman redeemer”, the family member who takes responsibility for raising children for a deceased relative. Which ancestor of Jesus the Messiah was so redeemed? Ruth (by Boaz)
26. During Moses third address, he reminded Israel to destroy a certain people because they attacked Israel just after they escaped Egypt (40 years earlier). Who was that people? 25:17, Amalakites (see Ex. 17:8ff)
27. Jewish altars for sacrifice and worship were to be built of what kind of stones, and why? 27:5-6, natural or uncut stones, so there would be no confusion with idolatry